Sydenham Hill Estate: Soft Landscaping Plans - Update meeting, Wed 7 August

Dear Residents,

Further to the meeting held on Wednesday 10 July, and further comments received by residents, we will be holding an online meeting to review the soft landscaping proposals.

Date: Wednesday 7 August, 6.30pm

On: Teams - meeting link below

Join the meeting

Meeting ID: 365 108 639 721

Passcode: Ae7AVG

Please either click on the link above, or email to be added to the meeting invitation.

The points of discussion and agreed adjustments from the last meeting are attached below, or hard copies can be viewed at the Estate Office on Friday. Please note that any changes agreed are subject to approval by Lewisham Planning department.

We look forward to seeing you then. If you have any queries or comments, please let us know via

Kind regards,

The Sydenham Hill Project Team