Sydenham Hill Estate: Footpath diversion, May 2024

Dear Neighbours,

Please note that works in Otto Close are at the stage that we need to close the footpath by Rose Court.   A temporary footpath will be opened for residents from Friday 17 May. The walking route from Lammas Green to Kirkdale will now be via Otto Close.

Plan showing footpath closure and diversion route through the hoarding:

 Please see red arrows for the diversion route on the close-up plan below.   Hoarding will be in place either side of the path, with solar lighting.

If you have any queries, please contact us on


Best Wishes,


The Sydenham Hill Project Team


For site emergencies, please contact Lovell on 020 8731 3800 (0800 030 4690 out of hours)

Alternative numbers:

  • Andrew Neary 07881 023 254

  • Peter Trainer 07779 992 854

  • David Olatunji 07340 379 305

  • Laury Jancauska 07502 600 834