Sydenham Hill Estate Weekly Works - w/c 20 May 2024

Dear Neighbour,

Please find below the activities that are scheduled to take place from the week commencing Monday 20 May 2024 in connection with the Sydenham Hill Estate Redevelopment Project.


Monday 20 - Friday 25 May

 Block A:          

  • Building the decking to hold the 3rd floor to be poured with concrete

  • Perimeter drainage installation

Block B:         

  • Cutting down concrete to foundation piles.

  • Reinforcement to concrete foundations piles

  • Perimeter drainage installation

  • Ground floor waterproofing                    

Block C:          

  • Cutting down concrete to foundation piles.

  • Building the structure to hold the concrete for the first floor

  • Reinforcement to concrete foundations piles

  • Steel work for the structure


Otto Close:     

  • Reduce level dig for piling mat

  • Opening new footpath between Lammas Green and Otto Close


Saturday 26 May

Blocks A/B/C: 

  • Material re-organisation

  • Cutting down piles

  • Reinforcement to concrete foundations piles

  • Drainage installation

  • Steel fixing

Otto Close:     

  • Reduce level dig

  • Back-filling behind retaining wall

Noisy works

• Plant movement (excavators and dumpers)


• Muck removal lorries in and out of main gate

• Concrete lorries in and out of the delivery gate

Note/works for coming weeks:

  • The repairs to the damaged railings works are ongoing and due to be complete by the end of the month.

  • The piling at Otto Close is due to start w/c 27/5/24 after the bank holiday. Machinery will be delivered to site by 24/05/24.

  • Foundation works are ongoing for further Lovell welfare cabins. The cabins are due to be delivered in w/c 3/6/24.

Save the Date

  • We will be holding our 5th Meet the Contractor event on Thursday 6 June 2024, 5-7pm in the ball court area.  Please come along and ask any questions you may have for the Lovell team.

If you have any queries, please contact us on


Best wishes,

The Sydenham Hill Project Team


 General Site Working Hours:

Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:00

Saturday 08:00 to 13:00


For site emergencies, please contact Lovell on:

  • Andrew Neary 07881 023 254

  • David Olatunji 07340 379305

  • Laury Jancauska 07502 600834

  • Peter Trainer 077779 992854