Sydenham Hill Estate: Soft Landscaping Plans - Update

Dear Residents,

Many thanks to those who were able to attend the meeting held on Wednesday 10 July concerning the soft landscaping proposals. Members of the design team reviewed the plans with residents, discussed the planning constraints and listened to residents’ concerns and requests for the planting and soft landscaping.

Please find attached notes from the meeting, including the points of discussion and agreed adjustments (page 1). Also included are proposed sketches reflecting the changes requested in the areas by 1-20 Otto Close, as well as drawings showing the adjusted positions of some trees as discussed on site, and confirmation of open areas of lawn.

Please can you let us have any comments or any further queries by 26 July 2024. We will then have a further online meeting to which all residents will be invited - date to be confirmed.

Please note that any changes are subject to approval by Lewisham Planning department.

Kind regards,

The Sydenham Hill Project Team